We all start from different points in life.
Some of us are born rich, some are born poor. Some have influential parents, some have no parents at all.
Some have been seemingly been given great chances on a plate, some have had to work extra hard for everything they have achieved. This is life. And there is nothing to do but accept it.
If we constantly say “Yes, but he was born in America so of course he can speak English”, or “Yes, but he went to the best university and had the best teachers” then we are blaming other people.
Blaming other people is to make excuses, and making excuses is to open the path to failure.
First we must take responsibility ourselves. How good you are at English is all up to you.
There are millions of people in underdeveloped countries who have no food, no education and no resources, but they simply decided to learn English and did it. They took responsibility and took action.
You are exactly the same, if you take responsibility and take action you will succeed. Maybe you feel you have no time? That you are too busy? But who decides how you spend your time? don't blame other people.
How you choose to spend your time is entirely decided by you. So take responsibility and take control, acknowledge that you control what, when and how you do things, and make the best use of your time to achieve your goals.
Take time where you can, five minutes after taking the kids to school? 60 minutes commute to work? An extra 10 minutes while eating lunch? Your time is yours.
Everything starts with you. You are the master of your destiny, only you can determine how good you wish to become. Decide today you wish to be brilliant. Take responsibility. Make it happen.
Become a brilliant speaker.