Just like driving a car, our thoughts are self fulfilling, whatever direction we look at when driving, or think about during the day, is the direction we will go.
Successful language learners always look on the positive side of things. They see a language that is something that can be mastered, one step at a time. If along the way we make mistakes, or lose faith, it does not matter as long as we continually look forward. See the goal in your mind and head towards it. However, sadly many people don't do this.
Instead of focusing on the good things, they focus on the bad. They continually think of mistakes they have made, they worry that they may embarrasses themselves, they believe that English cannot be learnt, they believe they won't be understood. And true enough if this is what they think of everyday then this is what happens.
But you are different.
You think positive thoughts everyday and you head in the positive direction. When you make mistakes, you learn from them and move on. When you see a new challenge, new people to speak to, new words you don’ t know, you look forward to tackling them, you know that people will respect you for trying, even if you do make mistakes.
You know that English is something you can do. You know that even if people don't understand what you say the first time, if you try often enough they will indeed understand.
New things to learn are a challenge to be relished. You look forward to situations you cannot handle, so that you may learn how to make them your own. Thinking only positive thought, brings about only positive results.